Windows to Linux ROS Bridge

You can find more details to this post in this tutorial.

How to set up Remote bridge:

Helpful links:

Key instructions for remote windows:

1. Change ROS_MASTER URI (The rasp pi will be running roscore). You won't need to start roscore but you can if you want to run rostopic or rqt_plot 2. Create a .txt including following content: (Use your raspi ip address). Save as C:\bashrc.cmd at disk C (or another non-catkin_ws location).

@echo off 
set ROS_IP=

3. (Optional) Following step 2, open regedit: -> Win+R and enter regedit. Find [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor] and add a string key named Autorun, value is C:\bashrc.cmd"

4. Run the cmd file in the Developer Command Prompt in VS22 "C:\bashrc.cmd". There were some issues with it autorunning in step 3

5. Use rosrun to execute the individual programs on remote machine.

Key instructions for raspi:

1. On the raspi device open the .bashrc file, then add the lines:

export ROS_IP=

2. Start roscore